Few months ago was when I first read on twitter about 'the first iOS-dev conference' in Spain. At first it seemed another conference with some popular spanish developers talking about common topics, but when organizers started to show who were coming, I realized that it would not be a typical meeting.

First surprising thing was that ALL the talks would be in English, and that was because many of the speakers would be international celebrities, so the event would be followed around the world.

Second interesting thing for me was that it would be a four-days event, something very different from events as I usually assist, so with so long is possible to talk freely with speakers and enjoy of Logroño’s night in their patron’s saint day, this was third reason to finally contact with Borja & Luis (organizers) asking about posibility to be volunteer, result is below (thanks for the photo @juanriaza) ;)

To be volunteer allowed me to be in contact with all people, and I enjoyed it because I also attended many talks with VERY smart people as @orta & @fabiopelosin talking about our loved CocoaPods, @NachoSoto explaining how to improve our Core Animations with a quick review of different ways to do that, or @steipete, talk which I could not attend, but where people’s head explode trying to understand how obj-c runtime works.

If you want, I started a compilation with some of the slides of this NSSpain which is available on my gist NSSpain-Summaries. I can only recommend you that next year assist, and see you there :).